Crafting a Wand of Magic Missile: Material Components and Their Costs in D&D 5e

By admin

A wand of magic missile is a powerful magical item in the 5th edition of the game Dungeons and Dragons. It is a highly sought-after artifact by wizards and sorcerers due to its ability to cast the famous spell, Magic Missile. The wand is typically made of a sturdy yet elegant material such as wood or crystal, with intricate carvings and symbols adorning its surface. It usually measures around 10 inches in length, making it easy to hold and wield. When activated, the wand releases a series of magical darts that automatically hit their target. The spell Magic Missile is known for its reliability and effectiveness, as it does not require a roll to hit and always inflicts damage.

Generated monsters capable of wielding weapons have a chance to be generated with an offensive item; one of the possible offensive items is a wand of magic missile. Shopkeepers have a 1/4 chance of being generated with a magic missile wand.

In D D, short of magic resistance which itself is quite different than the magic resistance in NetHack , it was usually impossible for a magic missile to miss. So I told her that there would be wands that would allow her to cast certain spells, like magic missile which is one of her known spells , without using a spell slot.

Wand of magic missile 5e cpst

The spell Magic Missile is known for its reliability and effectiveness, as it does not require a roll to hit and always inflicts damage. This makes the wand of magic missile a valuable asset in battles, especially against opponents with high armor class or evasion abilities. Furthermore, unlike other spells, Magic Missile cannot be counterspelled or otherwise prevented from hitting its mark.

The 8000gp Wand of Magic Missiles

TLDR at bottom, and thanks for indulging me and reading my short story.

So I just started DMing for a group of 3 players, 2 of which have never played before (now a sorcerer and a druid). After a short two-shot (The Eldritch Farm, which was great, thanks to u/phonz1851) I have decided to run Waterdeep: Dragon Heist for this group.

First session of DH, and I am explaining to these brand new players about how Waterdeep is huge, unlike the small village they just helped out, and that there would be opportunities to buy magic items and such. The sorceress asks what kind of magic items are available that would be good for her (I was very proud of this question, they grow up so fast). So I told her that there would be wands that would allow her to cast certain spells, like magic missile (which is one of her known spells), without using a spell slot. She seemed intrigued and asked some passerby NPCs about where she would be able to find a wand shop.

So they guided her to a shop. She enters and asks about buying a Wand of Magic Missiles. I did a quick google to find out the price (I hadn't anticipated this before the session) and the very first hit says that it would be 8000gp. I felt like an idiot telling her that because she had done such a good job of role-playing to that point, only to be told that it was 80x the amount of gold she currently has. I felt like this also made me look like a tool. "Oh yeah, use some time to go buy some cool stuff! Sike! You won't have that much gold for a long time." So, she settled on a broken Wand of Magic Missiles (which the shopkeep just so happened to have) that has 6 charges, but won't regain charges ever, for 70gp.

I did more research later and found out that this price was off of a list that was a "community made" list. The following is a link to a PDF with magic item prices etc.

The DM guide on page 135 has the "Magic Item Rarity" table, and it says that uncommon magic items should/can be given to players who are higher than level 1 (which my players are) and should cost between 101-500gp.

So, why in the world would a Wand of Magic Missiles cost so much? I understand that this is an amazing resource for a sorcerer, given how few spells they can learn, and is great for spell slot management. Is it a good magic item for a 2nd level sorcerer? Definitely. Is it 8000gp good? I don't feel like it is. It's not like she is going to be running around one-shotting everything they come across with a 9th level magic missile, and it is a great opportunity to have an enemy spellcaster use shield against her.

I fully understand that there is nothing forcing me use this PDF for magic item prices, and I will likely retcon the whole scenario, I just wanted to gather some ideas as to why such a relatively lowly magic item would cost so much. I would put it closer to the 500gp range.

tldr: why would a Wand of Magic Missiles cost 8000gp (as decided by "the community," which includes this sub), when the DM guide says magic items of that rarity/power should cost between 101-500gp?

The three ray has CL of 11 $11\times2\times750 = 16,500\text< gp>$
Wand of magic missile 5e cpst

This makes the wand an excellent choice for dealing with enemies who have spellcasting abilities or resistance to other forms of magic. The wand of magic missile usually has a limited number of charges, which determine the number of times it can be used. Once the charges are depleted, the wand becomes useless until it is recharged with magical energy. This limitation adds an element of strategy to its use, as players must carefully decide when and how often to expend its charges. Despite its impressive capabilities, the wand of magic missile is not without its limitations. It can only cast the Magic Missile spell and does not have the versatility of other magical items. In addition, it is generally not as powerful as higher-level spells that can be cast by experienced spellcasters. However, the wand of magic missile is still highly valued for its simplicity, reliability, and accessibility. It is often a preferred choice for novice spellcasters who are still learning the intricate complexities of the magical arts. It can also serve as a valuable backup weapon for experienced magic users or a reliable source of damage against foes that are hard to hit. In conclusion, the wand of magic missile is a coveted artifact in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, offering spellcasters a reliable way to inflict damage without the need for rolls or the risk of their spell being blocked. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable asset in battles, particularly against opponents with high defenses or magical resistance. However, it should be noted that the wand's limited charges and lack of versatility make it less desirable for more experienced and versatile spellcasters..

Reviews for "Magic Missiles on a Budget: How to Create an Affordable Wand in Dungeons & Dragons 5e"

1. John Doe - 1 star
I was really disappointed with the purchase of the Wand of Magic Missile 5e. First of all, it was incredibly overpriced for what it delivered. The wand's range was lackluster, and it didn't even come close to the power I was expecting. Additionally, the craftsmanship was subpar, with loose components that made the wand feel flimsy. Overall, I regretted investing in this wand and would not recommend it to anyone seeking a truly powerful and well-made magic weapon.
2. Jane Smith - 2 stars
I bought the Wand of Magic Missile 5e hoping for an exciting and effective magic weapon, but it fell short of my expectations. The wand's damage output was average at best, and its limited range made it ineffective in many combat situations. The build quality was acceptable, but for the price, I expected much more. I would recommend exploring other options before settling for this wand, as there are much better magic weapons available for the same or lower cost.
3. Mike Johnson - 1 star
I regret purchasing the Wand of Magic Missile 5e as it did not live up to the hype. The damage output was underwhelming, and I found it ineffective against tougher foes. Furthermore, the wand's durability was lacking, with the handle cracking after just a few uses. I expected better considering the price I paid. I would advise against purchasing this wand and instead look for a more reliable and powerful magical weapon to enhance your gameplay experience.

Buying vs. Crafting: Analyzing the Cost Effectiveness of a Wand of Magic Missile in Dungeons & Dragons

The Economics of Enchantment: Crafting a Wand of Magic Missile in D&D 5e