The Cultural Significance of Rune Symbols in Scandinavian Folklore

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Mystic rune symbols have been a source of fascination for centuries, enchanting both historical scholars and everyday individuals. These ancient symbols, originating from Germanic and Norse cultures, hold deep spiritual and mystical significance. Despite their intricate designs, each rune symbol carries a specific meaning and purpose. The runes were not just a system of writing, but also a means of divination and communication with the divine. Norse mythology credits the god Odin with the discovery of the runes, describing how he willingly sacrificed himself in order to gain knowledge and power. As a result, Odin became a symbol of wisdom and mysticism, and the runes became a representation of his teachings.

A.2.2.3 nigromantianecromantia 混淆完全是由于这两个词的相似性,并且由于这一混淆,necromantia 一词中的负面含义渗透到了黑(nigro-)当中。(换句话说,黑魔法中的黑所带有的负面含义,归根结底完全是由于necromantia 的错别字nigromantia 恰好能让人联想到黑)

3 nigromantia 与 necromantia 混淆完全是由于这两个词的相似性 并且由于这一混淆 necromantia 一词中的负面含义渗透到了黑 nigro- 当中 换句话说 黑魔法中的黑所带有的负面含义 归根结底 完全 是由于 necromantia 的错别字 nigromantia 恰好能让人联想到黑. 其实我在意的只是 在那么些使用 nigromantia 这个词的作者里 有没有人将这个词与 黑 扯上关系 因为如果在black art 一词出现以前 从来就没有人把 nigromantia 跟 黑 联系在一起过 那么 black art 以及其它语言中的对等词 与 nigromantia 之间就存在巨大的鸿沟 在没有一手文献的支撑下 对于目前我看到的资料 我只能说这种联系恐怕都是现代人而非古人的望文生义 事实上OED里提供的相关词源解释中用的都是possible.

Ture black magif

As a result, Odin became a symbol of wisdom and mysticism, and the runes became a representation of his teachings. Each rune symbol represents a different letter or sound, but they also possess deeper, hidden meanings. For example, the rune symbol Algiz, resembling an upside-down M, is associated with protection and guidance.


根据上面的内容脑补一波,似乎应该是这样: 首先出现的是希腊文的死灵术 nekromanteía 一词,其对应的拉丁文为 necromantia。在一开始 necromantia 与其对应希腊文一样,专指通过死人占卜(死灵术),但到了12世纪左右,necromantia 一词发生了两个变化:a) necromantia 出现了变体 nigromantia ; b) necromantia /nigromantia 的词义从原先狭义的死灵术扩展为对非法魔法的泛指。而由于nigromantia 中的 nigro-的关系, 英语中 nigromantia 的对等词就是 black art,出现时间不晚于1572年。然而……

A.2.1 necromantia- nigromantia

A.2.1.1 首先,关于 nigromantia 这个词本身的出现的时间点,Edge 引用(n.34)的大约是 Burnett, p.2 里的

emmmm好像原文还是 necromantia.
不过 Burnett 在上下文里举的其它例子里,都出现了nigromantia , 例如 Petrus Alfonsi 的 Disciplina clericalis , Dominicus Gundissalinus 的 De divisione philosophiae. 其中Disciplina clericalis 是 1106 年左右的作品(Boudet), 因此从我收集到的资料来看,nigromantia 这个词本身的出现应该不会晚于12世纪初。

A.2.1.2 至于nigromantia词义从狭义的死灵术演变为一种泛指多种魔法的伞概念的例子,Petrus Alfonsi 著于1109年左右的 Dialogi contra Iudaeos 、以及 Hugo of Santalla 翻译的 Liber Aristotilis (其中 nigromantia 作为阿拉伯语sihr 的翻译)应该能算作例子(Burnett, p.3-5 ), 不过我暂时找不到这两部作品的拉丁文原文,不确定里面用的词是不是nigromantia 。如果原文里就是 nigromantia,那就可以下结论说12世纪初 nigromantia 就已经超越了原先靠死人占卜的词义。

A.2.2 necromantia, nigromantia “黑”-black art

按照 A.1 中列举的资料,nigromantianecromantia 的 corruption。现在的问题就是,这个corruption是如何发生的,而 nigro-与“黑”的联系,同这一 corruption 有何关系。那大概能分为以下四种情况:

A.2.2.1 nigromantianecromantia 混淆完全是由于这两个词的相似性,而跟词义完全无关;

A.2.2.2 nigromantianecromantia 混淆有可能是由于这两个词的相似性,但也与黑(nigro-)本身的负面含义有关;

A.2.2.3 nigromantianecromantia 混淆完全是由于这两个词的相似性,并且由于这一混淆,necromantia 一词中的负面含义渗透到了黑(nigro-)当中。(换句话说,黑魔法中的黑所带有的负面含义,归根结底完全是由于necromantia 的错别字nigromantia 恰好能让人联想到黑)

A.2.2.4 按照 A.1 OED 的"black art"词条,(选中部分文字)似乎是在说,先有nigromantianecromantia 的混淆,与此同时,“黑”也具备了某些特别的负面含义,而后由于流俗词源的缘故,nigromantia 与黑才扯上了关系。 (黑魔法中的黑所带有的负面含义并非全部来自nigromantia

究竟是哪一种,由于缺乏一手资料,我目前还无法判断。不过探寻语言演变起源这种事还是有点emmm. 其实我在意的只是,在那么些使用nigromantia 这个词的作者里,有没有人将这个词与“黑”扯上关系。因为如果在black art 一词出现以前,从来就没有人把nigromantia 跟“黑”联系在一起过,那么,black art (以及其它语言中的对等词)与 nigromantia 之间就存在巨大的鸿沟。在没有一手文献的支撑下,对于目前我看到的资料,我只能说这种联系恐怕都是现代人而非古人的望文生义。(事实上OED里提供的相关词源解释中用的都是possible)

//将 nigromantia 读作 nigro-mantia 的一个例子:(Burnett, p.3 note.8)

A.2.3 black art- black/white magic

这沟就更大了。就我目前了解,在black/white magic跟black art这些词出现以前,与nigromantia /necromantia 对立的词(魔法、自然魔法、神通术, etc.)里没有一个是跟白/光有联系的。就black art而言,也没见到过什么white art。从OED的词条来看,英语中black art(1572年)跟black magic(1590年)和white magic(1614年)出现的时间大致处于同一个年代,似乎并没有James所暗示的那种严格的先后顺序。当然看OED肯定是没法精确断定某个词最早使用情况的,更不用说其它语言中的情况。因为black作为负面的形容词早在16世纪中叶就已存在(见下图),black magic一词完全可以不经过black art而直接创造出来,如果再加上某类某类A.2.2.2 或A.2.2.4 的情况(i.e.黑魔法中黑所带有的负面含义的发展史与nigromantianecromantia 的混淆互相独立),那black magic跟nigromantia/necromantia 其实就没有半毛钱关系。

总之,虽然在各种不知道几百手的文献里见到将black magic追溯至necromantia 的说法,但目前以我的水平,还无法理解这种“联系”。

Mystic rune symbols

It is believed to ward off evil and bring luck to those who carry it. On the other hand, the rune symbol Ansuz, resembling a capital F, represents communication and divine inspiration. Those seeking creative inspiration or the ability to express themselves often turn to this symbol. The power of the rune symbols lies not only in their appearance but also in how they can be combined to form bindrunes. A bindrune is a combination of two or more runes overlaid, creating a unique and personalized symbol. These symbols hold individualized, specific meanings and can be used for different purposes, such as protection, healing, or luck. In modern times, many are drawn to the mystic rune symbols for their beauty and spiritual significance. They are often used in jewelry, tattoos, and other forms of artwork. The mystical allure of the runes continues to captivate people around the world, as they provide a connection to ancient wisdom and a gateway into the spiritual realm. In conclusion, mystic rune symbols have a rich history and deep spiritual significance. Each symbol carries a specific meaning and purpose, whether it be protection, guidance, communication, or inspiration. Their aesthetic beauty and mystical allure have made them highly sought after in modern times. As we delve into the world of the runes, we uncover a connection to ancient wisdom and a pathway to the spiritual realm..

Reviews for "The Mystic Language of Rune Symbols: A Visual Approach"

1. Jennifer - 1/5 stars - I was really disappointed with the "Mystic rune symbols" book. The symbols were poorly explained and the writing was confusing. I couldn't understand what the author was trying to convey and felt like I wasted my money on this book. I would not recommend it to anyone interested in learning about rune symbols.
2. Matthew - 2/5 stars - I found "Mystic rune symbols" to be lacking depth and clarity. The explanations of the symbols were brief and didn't provide enough context for their meanings. The book also didn't explore the historical significance of rune symbols, which was a major letdown for me. Overall, it felt like a rushed attempt at covering a complex topic and didn't live up to my expectations.
3. Laura - 1/5 stars - I was excited to dive into the world of rune symbols with "Mystic rune symbols," but it left me highly disappointed. The book lacked organization and coherence, making it difficult to follow along. The diagrams were poorly labeled and hard to decipher. It felt like the author assumed the readers already had prior knowledge of the subject, leaving beginners like me completely confused. I regret purchasing this book and would advise others to look for a different resource.
4. John - 2/5 stars - "Mystic rune symbols" failed to live up to the hype for me. The explanations of the symbols were too simplistic and didn't provide enough in-depth information. I was expecting a comprehensive exploration of the meanings and uses of different rune symbols, but this book fell short. Additionally, the illustrations were poorly executed, making it difficult to understand the symbols. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone serious about studying rune symbols.
5. Sarah - 1/5 stars - I was hoping to gain a deeper understanding of rune symbols with "Mystic rune symbols," but it left me unsatisfied. The book lacked organization and clear explanations. The author seemed to assume prior knowledge, making it hard for beginners like me to grasp the concepts. Furthermore, the book was filled with grammatical errors and typos, which further detracted from my reading experience. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone looking for a comprehensive guide on rune symbols.

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